My school-days! The silent gliding on of my existence - the unseen, unfelt progress of my life - from childhood up to youth! —
我的学生时代!我存在的悄无声息的流逝——生命从童年到青年的看不见、触不到的进程! —

Let me think, as I look back upon that flowing water, now a dry channel overgrown with leaves, whether there are any marks along its course, by which I can remember how it ran.

A moment, and I occupy my place in the Cathedral, where we all went together, every Sunday morning, assembling first at school for that purpose. —
一瞬间,我就站在大教堂里,在那儿我们每个星期天早上一起去,每次首先聚集在学校为此而集合。 —

The earthy smell, the sunless air, the sensation of the world being shut out, the resounding of the organ through the black and white arched galleries and aisles, are wings that take me back, and hold me hovering above those days, in a half-sleeping and half-waking dream.

I am not the last boy in the school. I have risen in a few months, over several heads. —
我不是学校里最后一名男生。在几个月内,我已经超过了好几个人。 —

But the first boy seems to me a mighty creature, dwelling afar off, whose giddy height is unattainable. —
但第一名男生对我来说就像是一位伟大的生物,居住在遥远的地方,他那令人晕眩的高度难以企及。 —

Agnes says ‘No,’ but I say ‘Yes,’ and tell her that she little thinks what stores of knowledge have been mastered by the wonderful Being, at whose place she thinks I, even I, weak aspirant, may arrive in time. —
Agnes说’不’,但我说’是’,并告诉她,她根本想不到那位奇妙的人已经掌握了多少知识,她认为我,就是我,一个虚弱的心怀大志者,也许会在某个时候达到他的地位。 —

He is not my private friend and public patron, as Steerforth was, but I hold him in a reverential respect. —
他并不是像斯蒂尔福斯一样是我的私人朋友和公开的赞助人,但我对他怀着尊敬。 —

I chiefly wonder what he’ll be, when he leaves Doctor Strong’s, and what mankind will do to maintain any place against him.

But who is this that breaks upon me? This is Miss Shepherd, whom I love.

Miss Shepherd is a boarder at the Misses Nettingalls’ establishment. I adore Miss Shepherd. —
谢波德小姐是尼廷加尔小姐府上的一个寄宿生。我崇拜谢波德小姐。 —

She is a little girl, in a spencer, with a round face and curly flaxen hair. —
她是一个穿着外套的小女孩,圆脸,卷曲的金黄色头发。 —

The Misses Nettingalls’ young ladies come to the Cathedral too. —
尼廷加尔小姐的年轻女士们也会去大教堂。 —

I cannot look upon my book, for I must look upon Miss Shepherd. —
我无法看书,因为我必须看着谢波德小姐。 —

When the choristers chaunt, I hear Miss Shepherd. —
当唱诗班歌唱时,我听到了谢波德小姐的声音。 —

In the service I mentally insert Miss Shepherd’s name - I put her in among the Royal Family. —
在服务中,我在脑海中想象了谢波德小姐的名字 - 我把她放在皇室之中。 —

At home, in my own room, I am sometimes moved to cry out, ‘Oh, Miss Shepherd!’ —
在家里,独自一人时,我有时会情不自禁地大喊,“哦,谢波德小姐!” —

in a transport of love.

For some time, I am doubtful of Miss Shepherd’s feelings, but, at length, Fate being propitious, we meet at the dancing-school. —
有一段时间,我对谢波德小姐的感情表示持怀疑态度,但最终,命运眷顾,我们在舞蹈学校相遇。 —

I have Miss Shepherd for my partner. I touch Miss Shepherd’s glove, and feel a thrill go up the right arm of my jacket, and come out at my hair. —
我和谢波德小姐搭档。我触摸到谢波德小姐的手套,感到一股震颤从我的夹克右臂上升起,然后经过头发散发出来。 —

I say nothing to Miss Shepherd, but we understand each other. —
我没有对谢波德小姐说什么,但我们彼此心领神会。 —

Miss Shepherd and myself live but to be united.

Why do I secretly give Miss Shepherd twelve Brazil nuts for a present, I wonder? —
我为什么会秘密给予谢波德小姐十二颗巴西豆作为礼物呢,我想知道呢? —

They are not expressive of affection, they are difficult to pack into a parcel of any regular shape, they are hard to crack, even in room doors, and they are oily when cracked; —
这些礼物并不表达爱意,不容易装进任何规则形状的包裹中,即使在室内门上也难以打开,而且打开后会很油腻; —

yet I feel that they are appropriate to Miss Shepherd. —
然而我感觉它们很适合谢波德小姐。 —

Soft, seedy biscuits, also, I bestow upon Miss Shepherd; and oranges innumerable. —
我还给谢波德小姐送了软软的、有籽的饼干;和无数的橙子。 —

Once, I kiss Miss Shepherd in the cloak-room. Ecstasy! —
有一次,我在更衣室里吻了谢波德小姐。狂喜! —

What are my agony and indignation next day, when I hear a flying rumour that the Misses Nettingall have stood Miss Shepherd in the stocks for turning in her toes!

Miss Shepherd being the one pervading theme and vision of my life, how do I ever come to break with her? —
谢波德小姐成为我生活中的主题和幻影,我又是如何与她分手的呢? —

I can’t conceive. And yet a coolness grows between Miss Shepherd and myself. —
我无法理解。然而,谢波德小姐和我之间产生了一丝冷淡。 —

Whispers reach me of Miss Shepherd having said she wished I wouldn’t stare so, and having avowed a preference for Master Jones - for Jones! —
有传闻说谢波德小姐说希望我不要盯着她看,还公开表示她更喜欢琼斯先生 - 真是琼斯先生! —

a boy of no merit whatever! The gulf between me and Miss Shepherd widens. —
这无足轻重的男孩!我与谢波德小姐之间的鸿沟越来越大。 —

At last, one day, I meet the Misses Nettingalls’ establishment out walking. —
终于有一天,我在外面碰到了纳廷戈尔小姐的学校的女生们。 —

Miss Shepherd makes a face as she goes by, and laughs to her companion. All is over. —
谢波德小姐从我身边走过时做了个鬼脸,并对她的伙伴笑了笑。一切都结束了。 —

The devotion of a life - it seems a life, it is all the same - is at an end; —
一生的献身 - 看起来像一生,其实都一样 - 到此为止了; —

Miss Shepherd comes out of the morning service, and the Royal Family know her no more.

I am higher in the school, and no one breaks my peace. —
我在学校里的地位更高,没有人打扰我。 —

I am not at all polite, now, to the Misses Nettingalls’ young ladies, and shouldn’t dote on any of them, if they were twice as many and twenty times as beautiful. —
我对纳廷戈尔小姐们一点也不客气,如果她们多两倍,漂亮20倍,我也不会倾心于任何一个。 —

I think the dancing-school a tiresome affair, and wonder why the girls can’t dance by themselves and leave us alone. —
我觉得跳舞学校真是一件烦人的事情,不知道为什么女孩们不能自己跳舞,让我们一个人安静点。 —

I am growing great in Latin verses, and neglect the laces of my boots. —
我的拉丁诗越来越得心应手,连靴子的鞋带都懒得系。 —

Doctor Strong refers to me in public as a promising young scholar. —
斯特朗医生公开称赞我是一个有前途的年轻学者。 —

Mr. Dick is wild with joy, and my aunt remits me a guinea by the next post.

The shade of a young butcher rises, like the apparition of an armed head in Macbeth. —
一位年轻的屠夫的阴影仿佛在我面前出现,就像麦克白中的武装头颅魅影一样。 —

Who is this young butcher? He is the terror of the youth of Canterbury. —
这位年轻的屠夫是谁?他是坎特伯雷青年们的噩梦。 —

There is a vague belief abroad, that the beef suet with which he anoints his hair gives him unnatural strength, and that he is a match for a man. —
有一种模糊的传言在外传,说他头发上涂抹牛油,让他拥有超自然的力量,堪与男子匹敌。 —

He is a broad-faced, bull-necked, young butcher, with rough red cheeks, an ill-conditioned mind, and an injurious tongue. —
他是一个宽脸、粗脖子的年轻屠夫,红红的粗糙脸颊,心地恶劣,口舌伤人。 —

His main use of this tongue, is, to disparage Doctor Strong’s young gentlemen. —
他主要用这张嘴贬低斯特朗博士的年轻绅士们。 —

He says, publicly, that if they want anything he’ll give it ‘em. —
他公开说,如果他们想要什么,他都会给他们。 —

He names individuals among them (myself included), whom he could undertake to settle with one hand, and the other tied behind him. —
他列举其中一些个人(包括我在内),他可以单手处理他们,另一只手还被绑在身后。 —

He waylays the smaller boys to punch their unprotected heads, and calls challenges after me in the open streets. —
他埋伏小一点的男孩来揍他们那些毫无保护的脑袋,还认在开阔的街道对我挑衅。 —

For these sufficient reasons I resolve to fight the butcher.

It is a summer evening, down in a green hollow, at the corner of a wall. —
这是一个夏日傍晚,在一个绿色的山谷中,墙角处。 —

I meet the butcher by appointment. I am attended by a select body of our boys; —
我与屠夫约好见面。我带了一群精选的男孩; —

the butcher, by two other butchers, a young publican, and a sweep. —
屠夫由另外两个屠夫、一个年轻的酒保和一个扫烟囱的人陪同。 —

The preliminaries are adjusted, and the butcher and myself stand face to face. —
初步工作安排好后,屠夫和我面对面站立。 —

In a moment the butcher lights ten thousand candles out of my left eyebrow. —
一瞬间,屠夫从我的左眉毛燃起了一万支蜡烛。 —

In another moment, I don’t know where the wall is, or where I am, or where anybody is. —
另一瞬间,我不知道墙在哪里,我在哪里,有人在哪里。 —

I hardly know which is myself and which the butcher, we are always in such a tangle and tussle, knocking about upon the trodden grass. —
我几乎分不清哪个是我,哪个是屠夫,我们总是纠缠在一起,在踩踏过的草地上互相拼搏。 —

Sometimes I see the butcher, bloody but confident; —
有时我看见身着血的屠夫信心满满; —

sometimes I see nothing, and sit gasping on my second’s knee; —
有时啥都看不见,只能气喘吁吁地坐在我的助手膝盖上。 —

sometimes I go in at the butcher madly, and cut my knuckles open against his face, without appearing to discompose him at all. —
有时候我勃然大怒地向屠夫冲去,却在他的脸上划破了我的手指关节,他却似乎丝毫不为所动。 —

At last I awake, very queer about the head, as from a giddy sleep, and see the butcher walking off, congratulated by the two other butchers and the sweep and publican, and putting on his coat as he goes; —
最终我醒来,头脑昏沉,仿佛刚从一个令人眩晕的梦中醒来,看到屠夫走开,受到另外两个屠夫、烟囱工和酒吧老板的祝贺,穿起了外衣; —

from which I augur, justly, that the victory is his.

I am taken home in a sad plight, and I have beef-steaks put to my eyes, and am rubbed with vinegar and brandy, and find a great puffy place bursting out on my upper lip, which swells immoderately. —
我被带回家,情况很糟,眼睛上放上了牛排,用醋和白兰地擦拭我的伤口,我的上唇肿胀得非常厉害。 —

For three or four days I remain at home, a very ill-looking subject, with a green shade over my eyes; —
接下来的三四天里,我留在家里,看上去十分难看,眼睛上戴着绿色的眼罩; —

and I should be very dull, but that Agnes is a sister to me, and condoles with me, and reads to me, and makes the time light and happy. —
要不是安格丝对我像姐妹一样,抚慰我,给我读书,使时间变得轻松而快乐,我会感到非常乏味。 —

Agnes has my confidence completely, always; —
安格丝完全拥有我的信任, —

I tell her all about the butcher, and the wrongs he has heaped upon me; —
我把关于屠夫的一切都告诉她,以及他给我造成的不公; —

she thinks I couldn’t have done otherwise than fight the butcher, while she shrinks and trembles at my having fought him.

Time has stolen on unobserved, for Adams is not the head-boy in the days that are come now, nor has he been this many and many a day. —
时光不知不觉地悄然溜走,因为亚当斯已不再是现在这些日子里的头等男生,也已经很久很久了。 —

Adams has left the school so long, that when he comes back, on a visit to Doctor Strong, there are not many there, besides myself, who know him. —
亚当斯离开学校已经很久了,当他回来探望斯特朗医生时,除了我以外,几乎没有多少人认识他。 —

Adams is going to be called to the bar almost directly, and is to be an advocate, and to wear a wig. I am surprised to find him a meeker man than I had thought, and less imposing in appearance. —
亚当斯,几乎就要被称为律师了,穿上假发。我惊讶地发现他比我想象中更温和,外表也不那么令人敬畏。 —

He has not staggered the world yet, either; —
他还没有惊动世界; —

for it goes on (as well as I can make out) pretty much the same as if he had never joined it.

A blank, through which the warriors of poetry and history march on in stately hosts that seem to have no end - and what comes next! —
一片空白,诗歌和历史的勇士们在其中阔步行进,似乎永无止境 - 接下来会发生什么! —

I am the head-boy, now! I look down on the line of boys below me, with a condescending interest in such of them as bring to my mind the boy I was myself, when I first came there. —
我是班长了!现在我俯视着下面排队的男孩们,对那些让我想起自己刚刚来到这里时的男孩们,带着一种居高临下的兴趣看待。 —

That little fellow seems to be no part of me; —
这个小家伙似乎与我毫不相干; —

I remember him as something left behind upon the road of life - as something I have passed, rather than have actually been - and almost think of him as of someone else.
我记得他好像是留在生命之路上的某个东西 – 好像我已经超越了他,而不是实际上曾经是过他 – 我几乎将他看作是另一个人。

And the little girl I saw on that first day at Mr. Wickfield’s, where is she? Gone also. —
还记得我在威克菲尔德先生那天看到的那个小女孩吗?她哪儿去了?也消失了。 —

In her stead, the perfect likeness of the picture, a child likeness no more, moves about the house; —
而取而代之的是那张完美的画像,一个不再是孩子模样的小女孩,如今在房子里来回走动; —

and Agnes - my sweet sister, as I call her in my thoughts, my counsellor and friend, the better angel of the lives of all who come within her calm, good, self-denying influence - is quite a woman.
还有艾格尼丝 – 我在心中称她为我甜美的姐妹,我的顾问和朋友,那些受惠于她平静的,善良的,自我牺牲影响的人生中的好天使 – 如今已是一位成熟的女士。

What other changes have come upon me, besides the changes in my growth and looks, and in the knowledge I have garnered all this while? —
除了我成长和外貌上的变化,我所获得的知识的变化,我还经历了什么变化呢? —

I wear a gold watch and chain, a ring upon my little finger, and a long-tailed coat; —
我戴着一块金表和链子,小指上带着一枚戒指,衣着一身翻领长外衣; —

and I use a great deal of bear’s grease - which, taken in conjunction with the ring, looks bad. —
还擦了很多熊脂 – 当这项搭配与戒指放在一起时看起来有些糟糕。 —

Am I in love again? I am. I worship the eldest Miss Larkins.

The eldest Miss Larkins is not a little girl. —
莱金斯家的大姐并不是一个小女孩。 —

She is a tall, dark, black-eyed, fine figure of a woman. The eldest Miss Larkins is not a chicken; —
她是一个高挑、黑发、黑眼睛,身材匀称的女人。莱金斯家的大姐并不是个孩子; —

for the youngest Miss Larkins is not that, and the eldest must be three or four years older. —
因为莱金斯家的小姐不是孩子,而大姐可能比她大三四岁。 —

Perhaps the eldest Miss Larkins may be about thirty. —
也许莱金斯家的大姐大约三十岁吧。 —

My passion for her is beyond all bounds.

The eldest Miss Larkins knows officers. It is an awful thing to bear. —
长女拉金斯小姐认识军官们。这是一件很难忍受的事情。 —

I see them speaking to her in the street. —
我看到他们在街上和她说话。 —

I see them cross the way to meet her, when her bonnet (she has a bright taste in bonnets) is seen coming down the pavement, accompanied by her sister’s bonnet. —
当她戴着明亮的帽子(她对帽子有着独特的品味)走在人行道上,我看到他们横过马路去迎接她,还有她妹妹的帽子。 —

She laughs and talks, and seems to like it. —
她笑着聊着,看起来很喜欢。 —

I spend a good deal of my own spare time in walking up and down to meet her. —
我会花很多我的空闲时间来走来走去去迎接她。 —

If I can bow to her once in the day (I know her to bow to, knowing Mr. Larkins), I am happier. —
如果我一天中能向她鞠个躬(因为我认识拉金斯先生的缘故),那我会更幸福。 —

I deserve a bow now and then. The raging agonies I suffer on the night of the Race Ball, where I know the eldest Miss Larkins will be dancing with the military, ought to have some compensation, if there be even-handed justice in the world.

My passion takes away my appetite, and makes me wear my newest silk neckerchief continually. —
我的激情让我失去了胃口,让我一直穿着我最新的丝质围巾。 —

I have no relief but in putting on my best clothes, and having my boots cleaned over and over again. I seem, then, to be worthier of the eldest Miss Larkins. —
我只有穿上最好的衣服,一遍又一遍地擦洗我的靴子才会有些安慰。我似乎会变得更配得上长女拉金斯。 —

Everything that belongs to her, or is connected with her, is precious to me. —
属于她的或与她有关的一切对我来说都是珍贵的。 —

Mr. Larkins (a gruff old gentleman with a double chin, and one of his eyes immovable in his head) is fraught with interest to me. —
拉金斯先生(一个板着一张下巴,一只眼睛在眼窝里不动的粗鲁老绅士)对我充满了兴趣。 —

When I can’t meet his daughter, I go where I am likely to meet him. —
当我见不到他的女儿时,我会去可能遇见他的地方。 —

To say ‘How do you do, Mr. Larkins? Are the young ladies and all the family quite well?’ —
问候:“拉金斯先生,你好吗?年轻女士们和全家人都好吗?” —

seems so pointed, that I blush.

I think continually about my age. Say I am seventeen, and say that seventeen is young for the eldest Miss Larkins, what of that? —
我在不断地考虑我的年龄。假设我十七岁,假设对于长女拉金斯来说十七岁还年轻,那又如何? —

Besides, I shall be one-and-twenty in no time almost. —
况且,我几乎马上就要二十一岁了。 —

I regularly take walks outside Mr. Larkins’s house in the evening, though it cuts me to the heart to see the officers go in, or to hear them up in the drawing-room, where the eldest Miss Larkins plays the harp. —
我经常在傍晚在拉金斯先生家外面散步,虽然看到军官们进去或者听到他们在二楼的客厅里,那里最大的拉金斯小姐在弹奏竖琴,让我心如刀绞。 —

I even walk, on two or three occasions, in a sickly, spoony manner, round and round the house after the family are gone to bed, wondering which is the eldest Miss Larkins’s chamber (and pitching, I dare say now, on Mr. Larkins’s instead); —
有两三次,我甚至以一种病态和柔弱的方式,在家人都入睡之后,围着房子转了又转,幻想着哪个是最大的拉金斯小姐的卧室(然后我现在敢说,可能选错了,应该是拉金斯先生的卧室); —

wishing that a fire would burst out; that the assembled crowd would stand appalled; —
希望一场大火会突然爆发,人群会惊恐无措; —

that I, dashing through them with a ladder, might rear it against her window, save her in my arms, go back for something she had left behind, and perish in the flames. —
是我,带着梯子穿过他们,靠在她的窗户旁,把她救在我的怀里,再回去拿她忘记的东西,最后在火焰中牺牲。 —

For I am generally disinterested in my love, and think I could be content to make a figure before Miss Larkins, and expire.

Generally, but not always. Sometimes brighter visions rise before me. —
通常是这样,但也不是总是这样。有时更明亮的幻想在我面前浮现。 —

When I dress (the occupation of two hours), for a great ball given at the Larkins’s (the anticipation of three weeks), I indulge my fancy with pleasing images. —
当我(这需要两个小时),为拉金斯家举行的大舞会(这个期待了三个星期)穿着盛装时,我沉醉于美好的想象。 —

I picture myself taking courage to make a declaration to Miss Larkins. —
我设想自己鼓足勇气向拉金斯小姐表白。 —

I picture Miss Larkins sinking her head upon my shoulder, and saying, ‘Oh, Mr. Copperfield, can I believe my ears!’ —
我设想拉金斯小姐低头倚在我的肩膀上,说:“哦,考柏菲尔德先生,我难以相信我所听到的!” —

I picture Mr. Larkins waiting on me next morning, and saying, ‘My dear Copperfield, my daughter has told me all. —
我设想拉金斯先生第二天早上来找我,说,“我亲爱的考柏菲尔德,我女儿告诉我一切。 —

Youth is no objection. Here are twenty thousand pounds. Be happy!’ —
年龄不是问题。这里有两万英镑。幸福快乐吧!” —

I picture my aunt relenting, and blessing us; —
我设想我的阿姨改变主意,祝福我们; —

and Mr. Dick and Doctor Strong being present at the marriage ceremony. —
还有迪克先生和史壮医生在婚礼仪式上的出席。 —

I am a sensible fellow, I believe - I believe, on looking back, I mean - and modest I am sure; —
我相信我是个明智的人,我是肯定的 - 我是指,回想过去,我是说 - 谦逊我确信; —

but all this goes on notwithstanding. I repair to the enchanted house, where there are lights, chattering, music, flowers, officers (I am sorry to see), and the eldest Miss Larkins, a blaze of beauty. —
然而,所有这一切仍在进行。我去了那座充满魔力的房子,在那里有灯光,喋喋不休,音乐,鲜花,军官们(让我看到很遗憾),还有长得美轮美奂的莱金斯小姐。 —

She is dressed in blue, with blue flowers in her hair - forget-me-nots - as if SHE had any need to wear forget-me-nots. —
她穿着蓝色衣服,头发上插着蓝色的花 - 勿忘我花 - 好像她有必要戴上忘我花一样。 —

It is the first really grown-up party that I have ever been invited to, and I am a little uncomfortable; —
这是我被邀请参加的第一个真正成人的聚会,我有点不舒服; —

for I appear not to belong to anybody, and nobody appears to have anything to say to me, except Mr. Larkins, who asks me how my schoolfellows are, which he needn’t do, as I have not come there to be insulted.

But after I have stood in the doorway for some time, and feasted my eyes upon the goddess of my heart, she approaches me - she, the eldest Miss Larkins! —
但是当我站在门口一段时间,目不转睛地凝视着心爱的女神时,她走过来了 - 她,莱金斯小姐长女! —

  • and asks me pleasantly, if I dance?
    - 并友好地问我,我会跳舞吗?

I stammer, with a bow, ‘With you, Miss Larkins.’

‘With no one else?’ inquires Miss Larkins.
“不跳和别人?” 莱金斯小姐询问道。

‘I should have no pleasure in dancing with anyone else.’

Miss Larkins laughs and blushes (or I think she blushes), and says, ‘Next time but one, I shall be very glad.’

The time arrives. ‘It is a waltz, I think,’ Miss Larkins doubtfully observes, when I present myself. —
时机到了。“我想是华尔兹,”莱金斯小姐犹豫地观察到,当我出现时。 —

‘Do you waltz? If not, Captain Bailey -’
“你跳华尔兹吗?如果不会,贝利船长 -”

But I do waltz (pretty well, too, as it happens), and I take Miss Larkins out. —
但我会跳华尔兹(还跳得相当不错),我拉着莱金斯小姐出去。 —

I take her sternly from the side of Captain Bailey. He is wretched, I have no doubt; —
我从贝利船长身边严肃地带走了她。他很痛苦,我毫不怀疑; —

but he is nothing to me. I have been wretched, too. I waltz with the eldest Miss Larkins! —
但他与我无关。我也很痛苦。我和莱金斯小姐长女跳华尔兹! —

I don’t know where, among whom, or how long. —
我不知道在哪里,与谁在一起,或者多久。 —

I only know that I swim about in space, with a blue angel, in a state of blissful delirium, until I find myself alone with her in a little room, resting on a sofa. —
我只知道我在空间中游荡,与一个蓝色天使一起,陶醉在一种幸福的错觉中,直到我发现自己与她独处在一个小房间里,躺在沙发上。 —

She admires a flower (pink camellia japonica, price half-a-crown), in my button-hole. —
她正在欣赏我纽扣孔中的一朵花(粉色山茶花,价格半冠), —

I give it her, and say:

‘I ask an inestimable price for it, Miss Larkins.’

‘Indeed! What is that?’ returns Miss Larkins.
‘真的!那是什么?’ 拉金斯小姐回答。

‘A flower of yours, that I may treasure it as a miser does gold.’

‘You’re a bold boy,’ says Miss Larkins. ‘There.’
‘你真是一个大胆的男孩,’ 拉金斯小姐说。’给你了。’

She gives it me, not displeased; and I put it to my lips, and then into my breast. —
她给了我,看起来并不不开心;我把它放到唇边,然后藏在胸前。 —

Miss Larkins, laughing, draws her hand through my arm, and says, ‘Now take me back to Captain Bailey.’

I am lost in the recollection of this delicious interview, and the waltz, when she comes to me again, with a plain elderly gentleman who has been playing whist all night, upon her arm, and says:

‘Oh! here is my bold friend! Mr. Chestle wants to know you, Mr. Copperfield.’

I feel at once that he is a friend of the family, and am much gratified.

‘I admire your taste, sir,’ says Mr. Chestle. ‘It does you credit. —
‘先生,你的品味令我钦佩,’ 切斯特先生说。’那真为你增光添彩。 —

I suppose you don’t take much interest in hops; but I am a pretty large grower myself; —
我想你可能对啤酒花不太感兴趣;但我是一个相当大的种植者,’ —

and if you ever like to come over to our neighbourhood - neighbourhood of Ashford - and take a run about our place, -we shall be glad for you to stop as long as you like.’

I thank Mr. Chestle warmly, and shake hands. I think I am in a happy dream. —
我热烈地感谢切斯托先生,握了握手。我觉得自己仿佛置身于一个幸福的梦中。 —

I waltz with the eldest Miss Larkins once again. She says I waltz so well! —
我再次和最大的拉金斯小姐一起跳华尔兹。她说我跳得很好! —

I go home in a state of unspeakable bliss, and waltz in imagination, all night long, with my arm round the blue waist of my dear divinity. —
回到家时,我幸福得无法言喻,整夜都在想象着我拥着我亲爱的女神的蓝色腰肢跳华尔兹。 —

For some days afterwards, I am lost in rapturous reflections; —
接下来的几天里,我陶醉在幻想中; —

but I neither see her in the street, nor when I call. —
但我既不在街上看到她,也没在打电话时见到她。 —

I am imperfectly consoled for this disappointment by the sacred pledge, the perished flower.

‘Trotwood,’ says Agnes, one day after dinner. —
“特罗特伍德,”一天晚餐后,阿格尼丝说。 —

‘Who do you think is going to be married tomorrow? —
“你猜明天谁要结婚了?” —

Someone you admire.’

‘Not you, I suppose, Agnes?’

‘Not me!’ raising her cheerful face from the music she is copying. —
“不是我!”她放下正在抄写的乐谱,挺起愉快的脸。 —

‘Do you hear him, Papa? - The eldest Miss Larkins.’

‘To - to Captain Bailey?’ I have just enough power to ask.

‘No; to no Captain. To Mr. Chestle, a hop-grower.’

I am terribly dejected for about a week or two. —
我感到非常沮丧,已经有一两周了。 —

I take off my ring, I wear my worst clothes, I use no bear’s grease, and I frequently lament over the late Miss Larkins’s faded flower. —
我摘下戒指,穿上最破旧的衣服,不再使用熊脂,频繁地为已故的拉金斯小姐的枯萎花植物而悲叹。 —

Being, by that time, rather tired of this kind of life, and having received new provocation from the butcher, I throw the flower away, go out with the butcher, and gloriously defeat him.

This, and the resumption of my ring, as well as of the bear’s grease in moderation, are the last marks I can discern, now, in my progress to seventeen.