Tuesday, 25th.

The boy who sent the postage-stamp to the Calabrian is the one who pleases me best of all. —
寄了邮票给加利亚的男孩是我最喜欢的那个。 —

His name is Garrone: he is the biggest boy in the class: he is about fourteen years old; —
他叫加罗内,是班上最大的男孩:大约14岁; —

his head is large, his shoulders broad; he is good, as one can see when he smiles; —
他的头很大,肩膀很宽;当他微笑的时候可以看出他很善良; —

but it seems as though he always thought like a man. I already know many of my comrades. —
但看起来他似乎总是像一个成年人一样思考。我已经认识很多同学。 —

Another one pleases me, too, by the name of Coretti,[9] and he wears chocolate-colored trousers and a catskin cap: —
还有一个我也喜欢,名叫科雷蒂,他穿着巧克力色的长裤和一顶貂皮帽: —

he is always jolly; he is the son of a huckster of wood, who was a soldier in the war of 1866, in the squadron of Prince Umberto, and they say that he has three medals. —
他总是很开朗;他是一个木材小贩的儿子,他在1866年的战争中是一名士兵,归属于翁贝尔托王子的队伍,据说他有三枚勋章。 —

There is little Nelli, a poor hunchback, a weak boy, with a thin face. —
有一个名叫内利的小驼背,一个弱小的男孩,脸很瘦。 —

There is one who is very well dressed, who always wears fine Florentine plush, and is named Votini. —
还有一个打扮得很好看,总是穿着漂亮的佛罗伦萨平绒,名叫沃蒂尼。 —

On the bench in front of me there is a boy who is called “the little mason” because his father is a mason: —
在我面前的椅子上坐着一个被称为“小泥瓦匠”的男孩,因为他的父亲是泥瓦匠: —

his face is as round as an apple, with a nose like a small ball; he possesses a special talent: —
他的脸像个苹果一样圆,鼻子像个小球;他有一种特殊的才能: —

he knows how to make a hare’s face, and they all get him to make a hare’s face, and then they laugh. —
他知道如何做兔子的脸,他们都找他做兔子的脸,然后他们笑起来。 —

He wears a little ragged cap, which he carries rolled up in his pocket like a handkerchief. —
他戴着一顶有点破旧的帽子,像把手帕一样卷在口袋里。 —

Beside the little mason there sits Garoffi, a long, thin, silly fellow, with a nose and beak of a screech owl, and very small eyes, who is always trafficking in little pens and images and match-boxes, and who writes the lesson on his nails, in order that he may read it on the sly. —
小泥瓦匠旁边坐着加罗菲,一个又高又瘦、傻乎乎的家伙,鼻子和喙像角鸮一样,眼睛很小,总是在贩卖小笔和图像和火柴盒,还用指甲写课文,以便可以偷偷看到。 —

Then there is a young gentleman, Carlo Nobis, who seems very haughty; —
然后有一个年轻绅士,卡洛·诺比斯,似乎非常傲慢; —

and he is between two boys who are sympathetic to me,—the son of a blacksmith-ironmonger, clad in a jacket which reaches to his knees, who is pale, as though from illness, who always has a frightened air, and who never laughs; —
在我身边是两个对我很友善的男孩,一个是铁匠铁器商人的儿子,穿着一件长及膝盖的夹克衫,面色苍白,仿佛生病了一样,总是带着恐惧的神情,从不笑; —

and one with red hair, who has a useless arm, and wears it suspended from his neck; —
另一个是红头发的男孩,一只手臂无用,悬挂在脖子上; —

his father has gone away to America, and his mother goes about peddling pot-herbs. —
他的父亲已经去美国了,他的母亲到处兜售草药; —

And there is another curious type,—my neighbor on the left,—Stardi—small and thickset, with no neck,—a gruff fellow, who speaks to no one, and seems not to understand much, but stands attending to the master without winking, his brow corrugated with[10] wrinkles, and his teeth clenched; —
再有一个奇怪的类型,就在我的左边邻座,是斯塔迪,矮小而粗壮,没有脖子,粗鲁的家伙,不跟任何人说话,似乎不太懂事,但始终在不眨眼地侍候着老师,额上皱纹深深,牙关咬紧; —

and if he is questioned when the master is speaking, he makes no reply the first and second times, and the third time he gives a kick: —
如果当老师在讲话时问他问题,第一、第二次他都不回答,第三次他会踢人; —

and beside him there is a bold, cunning face, belonging to a boy named Franti, who has already been expelled from another district. —
旁边还有一个狡猾的大胆的面孔,是一个叫弗兰蒂的男孩,已经被另一个地区开除过; —

There are, in addition, two brothers who are dressed exactly alike, who resemble each other to a hair, and both of whom wear caps of Calabrian cut, with a peasant’s plume. —
此外,还有两个穿着一模一样的兄弟,从头到脚都一模一样,戴着卡拉布里亚式的帽子,有农民的羽毛; —

But handsomer than all the rest, the one who has the most talent, who will surely be the head this year also, is Derossi; —
但最帅的是戴罗西,最有天赋的,今年肯定会成为头把交椅; —

and the master, who has already perceived this, always questions him. —
老师已经察觉到了这一点,总是问他问题; —

But I like Precossi, the son of the blacksmith-ironmonger, the one with the long jacket, who seems sickly. —
但我最喜欢普雷科西,铁匠铁器商人的儿子,穿着长外套,看起来病恹恹的; —

They say that his father beats him; he is very timid, and every time that he addresses or touches any one, he says, “Excuse me,” and gazes at them with his kind, sad eyes. —
他们说他父亲打他,他非常胆小,每次他和任何人说话或碰到任何人,都会说“对不起”,用他那慈祥悲伤的眼睛盯着对方; —

But Garrone is the biggest and the nicest.