Friday, 28th.

Yesterday afternoon I went with my mother and my sister Sylvia, to carry the linen to the poor woman recommended by the newspaper: —
昨天下午我和我妈妈、我妹妹西尔维亚一起去送床单给报纸推荐的那位穷妇人: —

I carried the bundle; Sylvia had the paper with the initials of the name and the address. —
我提着包袱;西尔维亚拿着写着名字缩写和地址的纸。 —

We climbed to the very roof of a tall house, to a long corridor with many doors. —
我们走了很多楼梯,来到一条长廊,廊上有许多门。 —

My mother knocked at the last; it was opened by a woman who was still young, blond and thin, and it instantly struck[15] me that I had seen her many times before, with that very same blue kerchief that she wore on her head.

“Are you the person of whom the newspaper says so and so?” asked my mother.

“Yes, signora, I am.”

“Well, we have brought you a little linen. —
“好吧,我们给你带了一点亚麻布。 —

” Then the woman began to thank us and bless us, and could not make enough of it. —
”然后那位妇人开始感谢我们,祝福我们,不停地称赞亚麻布。 —

Meanwhile I espied in one corner of the bare, dark room, a boy kneeling in front of a chair, with his back turned towards us, who appeared to be writing; —
与此同时,我发现在这个空荡荡、昏暗的房间的一个角落里,有一个男孩跪在一把椅子前面,背对着我们,似乎在写作; —

and he really was writing, with his paper on the chair and his inkstand on the floor. —
而他确实正在写字,纸放在椅子上,墨水瓶放在地板上。 —

How did he manage to write thus in the dark? —
他是如何在黑暗中写字的呢? —

While I was saying this to myself, I suddenly recognized the red hair and the coarse jacket of Crossi, the son of the vegetable-pedler, the boy with the useless arm. —
在我心里问着这个问题的时候,我突然认出了Crossi,那个卖菜的儿子,那个手臂无用的男孩,他红头发、穿着粗糙的夹克。 —

I told my mother softly, while the woman was putting away the things.

“Hush!” replied my mother; “perhaps he will feel ashamed to see you giving alms to his mother: —
“嘘!”我的母亲回答道,“也许他会因为看到你给他母亲施舍而感到羞愧; —

don’t speak to him.”

But at that moment Crossi turned round; I was embarrassed; —
但就在那时,Crossi转过了身;我感到尴尬; —

he smiled, and then my mother gave me a push, so that I should run to him and embrace him. —
他微笑了,然后我的母亲把我推了一把,叫我跑过去拥抱他。 —

I did embrace him: he rose and took me by the hand.

“Here I am,” his mother was saying in the meantime to my mother, “alone with this boy, my husband in America these seven years, and I sick in addition, so that I can no longer make my rounds with my vegetables, and earn a few cents. —
“与此同时,他一直在对我母亲说,“我跟这个孩子独处,我丈夫已经在美国七年了,而我又生病了,所以再也无法推着我的菜做生意了,赚几分钱。 —

We have not even a table left for my poor Luigino to do his work on. —
我们甚至再也没有一张桌子让我可怜的Luigino做工作了。 —

When there was a bench down at the door, he could, at least, write on the bench; —
当门口还有一条长凳时,他至少可以在长凳上写字;” —

but that has been taken away. He has not even a little light so that he can[16] study without ruining his eyes. —
但这已经被夺走了。他甚至没有一点光线,可以不伤害眼睛地学习。 —

And it is a mercy that I can send him to school, since the city provides him with books and copy-books. —
而且我可以送他去学校,因为城市会提供给他书本和习字簿。 —

Poor Luigino, who would be so glad to study! —
可怜的Luigino,他会很高兴去学习! —

Unhappy woman, that I am!”

My mother gave her all that she had in her purse, kissed the boy, and almost wept as we went out. —
我母亲把她钱包里所有的钱都给了她,亲吻了这个男孩,我们走出去时几乎要哭了。 —

And she had good cause to say to me: “Look at that poor boy; —
她有充分理由对我说:“看看那个可怜的男孩; —

see how he is forced to work, when you have every comfort, and yet study seems hard to you! Ah! —
看看他被迫工作,当你有所有的舒适,然而学习对你来说却很艰难!啊! —

Enrico, there is more merit in the work which he does in one day, than in your work for a year. —
Enrico,他一天所做的工作中有比你一年的努力更有价值。 —

It is to such that the first prizes should be given!”