The cab had not travelled a short block before Carrie, settling herself and thoroughly waking in the night atmosphere, asked:

“What’s the matter with him? Is he hurt badly?”

“It isn’t anything very serious,” Hurstwood said solemnly. —
“这并不是什么很严重的事情,”赫斯特伍德庄严地说道。 —

He was very much disturbed over his own situation, and now that he had Carrie with him, he only wanted to get safely out of reach of the law. —
他对自己的局势感到非常不安,现在有了凯丽跟着,他只想安全地躲开法律的追踪。 —

Therefore he was in no mood for anything save such words as would further his plans distinctly.

Carrie did not forget that there was something to be settled between her and Hurstwood, but the thought was ignored in her agitation. —
凯丽没有忘记她和赫斯特伍德之间还有一件事需要解决,但在她的不安中忽略了这个念头。 —

The one thing was to finish this strange pilgrimage.

“Where is he?”

“Way out on the South Side,” said Hurstwood. “We’ll have to take the train. It’s the quickest way.”

Carrie said nothing, and the horse gambolled on. —
凯丽什么也没说,马继续嬉戏着前进。 —

The weirdness of the city by night held her attention. —
夜晚中城市的怪异让她着迷。 —

She looked at the long receding rows of lamps and studied the dark, silent houses.

“How did he hurt himself?” she asked – meaning what was the nature of his injuries. —
“他怎么受伤的?”她问 — 意思是他的伤势是什么性质。 —

Hurstwood understood. He hated to lie any more than necessary, and yet he wanted no protests until he was out of danger.

“I don’t know exactly,” he said. “They just called me up to go and get you and bring you out. —
“我不太清楚,”他说。“他们只是叫我去找你,把你带出来。” —

They said there wasn’t any need for alarm, but that I shouldn’t fail to bring you.”

The man’s serious manner convinced Carrie, and she became silent, wondering.

Hurstwood examined his watch and urged the man to hurry. —
赫斯特伍德看了看手表,催促那人赶紧。 —

For one in so delicate a position he was exceedingly cool. —
对于一个处境如此微妙的人来说,他的冷静态度令人难以置信。 —

He could only think of how needful it was to make the train and get quietly away. —
他只能想着赶上火车并安静地离开的迫切性。 —

Carrie seemed quite tractable, and he congratulated himself.

In due time they reached the depot, and after helping her out he handed the man a five-dollar bill and hurried on.

“You wait here,” he said to Carrie, when they reached the waiting-room, “while I get the tickets.”
“你在这里等着,” 他在到达候车室时对凯丽说,”我去买票。”

“Have I much time to catch the train for Detroit?” he asked of the agent.
“我赶底特律的火车还有多久?” 他问售票员。

“Four minutes,” said the latter.
“还有四分钟,” 后者说。

He paid for two tickets as circumspectly as possible.

“Is it far?” said Carrie, as he hurried back.
“很远吗?” 当他慌忙返回时,凯丽问道。

“Not very,” he said. “We must get right in.”
“不算很远,” 他说。 “我们必须马上上车。”

He pushed her before him at the gate, stood between her and the ticket man while the latter punched their tickets, so that she could not see, and then hurried after.

There was a long line of express and passenger cars and one or two common day coaches. —
那里有一排长长的快递和乘客车厢,还有一两节普通的日间客车。 —

As the train had only recently been made up and few passengers were expected, there were only one or two brakemen waiting. —
由于火车刚刚组装好,预期乘客不多,只有一两名制动员在等待。 —

They entered the rear day coach and sat down. —
他们进入了后面的白天客车并坐了下来。 —

Almost immediately, “All aboard,” resounded faintly from the outside, and the train started.
几乎立刻地,从外面传来了微弱的“All aboard”,火车就开动了。

Carrie began to think it was a little bit curious – this going to a depot – but said nothing. —
嘉莉开始觉得这去车站有点奇怪,但什么也没有说。 —

The whole incident was so out of the natural that she did not attach too much weight to anything she imagined.

“How have you been?” asked Hurstwood gently, for he now breathed easier.

“Very well,” said Carrie, who was so disturbed that she could not bring a proper attitude to bear in the matter. —
“很好,”嘉莉说,由于心烦意乱,无法正确地处理这件事情。 —

She was still nervous to reach Drouet and see what could be the matter. —
她依然紧张地等着见到德鲁埃,并看看到底出了什么问题。 —

Hurstwood contemplated her and felt this. He was not disturbed that it should be so. —
赫斯特伍德注视着她,感受到了这一点。他并没有对此感到不安。 —

He did not trouble because she was moved sympathetically in the matter. —
他并不担心她在这件事情上的同情心。 —

It was one of the qualities in her which pleased him exceedingly. —
这一点在她身上让他非常满意。 —

He was only thinking how he should explain. —
他只在考虑着应该如何解释。 —

Even this was not the most serious thing in his mind, however. —
然而,即使这件事在他心头挥之不去,也不是他心中最严重的事情。 —

His own deed and present flight were the great shadows which weighed upon him.

“What a fool I was to do that,” he said over and over. “What a mistake!”

In his sober senses, he could scarcely realise that the thing had been done. —
在清醒的头脑里,他几乎无法意识到这件事已经发生了。 —

He could not begin to feel that he was a fugitive from justice. —
他无法开始感受到自己是逃离法律追究的逃亡者。 —

He had often read of such things, and had thought they must be terrible, but now that the thing was upon him, he only sat and looked into the past. —
他经常读到这样的事情,曾经认为它们一定很可怕,但现在事情降临在他身上,他只是坐着盯着过去。 —

The future was a thing which concerned the Canadian line. He wanted to reach that. —
未来是一件与加拿大线路有关的事情。他想要到达那里。 —

As for the rest, he surveyed his actions for the evening, and counted them parts of a great mistake.

“Still,” he said, “what could I have done?”
“不过,” 他说,“我还能做些什么呢?”

Then he would decide to make the best of it, and would begin to do so by starting the whole inquiry over again. —
然后他决定尽力而为,并开始将整个调查重新开始。 —

It was a fruitless, harassing round, and left him in a queer mood to deal with the proposition he had in the presence of Carrie.

The train clacked through the yards along the lake front, and ran rather slowly to Twenty-fourth Street. —
火车隆隆地穿过沿着湖边的铁路场,然后相当缓慢地驶向第二十四街。 —

Brakes and signals were visible without. —
制动器和信号在外面可见。 —

The engine gave short calls with its whistle, and frequently the bell rang. —
火车头开始用哨子发出短促的信号,铃也经常响起。 —

Several brakemen came through, bearing lanterns. —
几名制动员拿着灯笼走过来。 —

They were locking the vestibules and putting the cars in order for a long run.

Presently it began to gain speed, and Carrie saw the silent streets flashing by in rapid succession. —
不久火车开始加速,嘉莉看到安静的街道在飞速闪过。 —

The engine also began its whistle-calls of four parts, with which it signalled danger to important crossings.

“Is it very far?” asked Carrie.

“Not so very,” said Hurstwood. He could hardly repress a smile at her simplicity. —
“不算太远,”赫斯特伍德说。他几乎忍不住笑了,对她的单纯感到好笑。 —

He wanted to explain and conciliate her, but he also wanted to be well out of Chicago.

In the lapse of another half-hour it became apparent to Carrie that it was quite a run to wherever he was taking her, anyhow.

“Is it in Chicago?” she asked nervously. They were now far beyond the city limits, and the train was scudding across the Indiana line at a great rate.

“No,” he said, “not where we are going.”

There was something in the way he said this which aroused her in an instant.

Her pretty brow began to contract.

“We are going to see Charlie, aren’t we?” she asked.

He felt that the time was up. An explanation might as well come now as later. —
他感觉时间到了。解释现在就不如以后了。 —

Therefore, he shook his head in the most gentle negative.

“What?” said Carrie. She was nonplussed at the possibility of the errand being different from what she had thought.

He only looked at her in the most kindly and mollifying way.

“Well, where are you taking me, then?” she asked, her voice showing the quality of fright.

“I’ll tell you, Carrie, if you’ll be quiet. I want you to come along with me to another city.”

“Oh,” said Carrie, her voice rising into a weak cry. “Let me off. I don’t want to go with you.”

She was quite appalled at the man’s audacity. —
她对那个男人的厚颜无耻感到非常震惊。 —

This was something which had never for a moment entered her head. —
这根本没有闪过她脑海。 —

Her one thought now was to get off and away. —
她现在的唯一想法就是要下车离开。 —

If only the flying train could be stopped, the terrible trick would be amended.

She arose and tried to push out into the aisle – anywhere. —
她站了起来,试图挤到过道里去——无论哪里都行。 —

She knew she had to do something. Hurstwood laid a gentle hand on her.

“Sit still, Carrie,” he said. “Sit still. It won’t do you any good to get up here. —
“坐着,凯丽,”他说,“坐着。站起来没用的。 —

Listen to me and I’ll tell you what I’ll do. Wait a moment.”

She was pushing at his knees, but he only pulled her back. —
她在推着他的膝盖,但他只是把她拉了回来。 —

No one saw this little altercation, for very few persons were in the car, and they were attempting to doze.

“I won’t,” said Carrie, who was, nevertheless, complying against her will. —
“我不会的,”凯丽说道,尽管她心里并不情愿。 —

“Let me go,” she said. “How dare you?” and large tears began to gather in her eyes.

Hurstwood was now fully aroused to the immediate difficulty, and ceased to think of his own situation. —
赫斯特伍德现在完全意识到眼前的困境,不再考虑自己的处境。 —

He must do something with this girl, or she would cause him trouble. —
他必须想办法处理这个女孩,否则她会给他惹麻烦。 —

He tried the art of persuasion with all his powers aroused.

“Look here now, Carrie,” he said, “you mustn’t act this way. —
“喂,卡里,”他说,“你不能这样行事。 —

I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I don’t want to do anything to make you feel bad.”

“Oh,” sobbed Carrie, “oh, oh – oo – o!”
“哦,”卡里抽泣着,“哦,哦 – 哦 – 噢!”

“There, there,” he said, “you mustn’t cry. Won’t you listen to me? —
“别哭了,”他说,“你不能哭。你愿意听我说吗? —

Listen to me a minute, and I’ll tell you why I came to do this thing. —
听我说一分钟,我会告诉你为什么我会做这件事。 —

I couldn’t help it. I assure you I couldn’t. Won’t you listen?”

Her sobs disturbed him so that he was quite sure she did not hear a word he said.

“Won’t you listen?” he asked.

“No, I won’t,” said Carrie, flashing up. “I want you to take me out of this, or I’ll tell the conductor. —
“不,我不会听,”卡里愤然地说。“我要你带我离开这里,否则我会告诉售票员。 —

I won’t go with you. It’s a shame,” and again sobs of fright cut off her desire for expression.

Hurstwood listened with some astonishment. —
赫斯特伍德有些惊讶地听着。 —

He felt that she had just cause for feeling as she did, and yet he wished that he could straighten this thing out quickly. —
他觉得她感到如此是有充分理由的,然而他希望能够很快解决这件事。 —

Shortly the conductor would come through for the tickets. —
不久,售票员就会来检票。 —

He wanted no noise, no trouble of any kind. —
他不想有任何噪音,任何麻烦。 —

Before everything he must make her quiet.

“You couldn’t get out until the train stops again,” said Hurstwood. —
“车再次停下前你是出不去的,”Hurstwood说道。 —

“It won’t be very long until we reach another station. You can get out then if you want to. —
“很快就会到下一站了。那时你可以下车,如果你想的话。 —

I won’t stop you. All I want you to do is to listen a moment. You’ll let me tell you, won’t you?”

Carrie seemed not to listen. She only turned her head toward the window, where outside all was black. The train was speeding with steady grace across the fields and through patches of wood. —
Carrie似乎没有在听。她只是将头转向窗外,外面一片漆黑。火车平稳优雅地穿越田野和木块。 —

The long whistles came with sad, musical effect as the lonely woodland crossings were approached.

Now the conductor entered the car and took up the one or two fares that had been added at Chicago. —
现在售票员进入车厢,收上在芝加哥增加的一两张车票。 —

He approached Hurstwood, who handed out the tickets. —
他走向Hurstwood,收取车票。 —

Poised as she was to act, Carrie made no move. —
虽然已做好行动的准备,Carrie却没有动。 —

She did not look about.

When the conductor had gone again Hurstwood felt relieved.

“You’re angry at me because I deceived you,” he said. “I didn’t mean to, Carrie. As I live I didn’t. —
“你因为我欺骗了你而生气,”他说。“Carrie,我没有恶意。我发誓我没有。 —

I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t stay away from you after the first time I saw you.”

He was ignoring the last deception as something that might go by the board. —
他正忽略着最后一次欺骗,将其视为可以忽略的事情。 —

He wanted to convince her that his wife could no longer be a factor in their relationship. —
他想要说服她,他的妻子在他们的关系中已不再重要。 —

The money he had stolen he tried to shut out of his mind.

“Don’t talk to me,” said Carrie, “I hate you. —
“别跟我说话,”凯丽说,”我讨厌你。 —

I want you to go away from me. I am going to get out at the very next station.”

She was in a tremble of excitement and opposition as she spoke.

“All right,” he said, “but you’ll hear me out, won’t you? —
“好的,”他说,”但你会听我说完,对吧? —

After all you have said about loving me, you might hear me. I don’t want to do you any harm. —
毕竟你曾说过爱我,也许你可以听我说。我不想伤害你。 —

I’ll give you the money to go back with when you go. —
当你要走的时候,我会给你钱回去。 —

I merely want to tell you, Carrie. You can’t stop me from loving you, whatever you may think.”

He looked at her tenderly, but received no reply.

“You think I have deceived you badly, but I haven’t. I didn’t do it willingly. —
“你认为我欺骗了你,但事实并非如此。我并不是出于自愿。 —

I’m through with my wife. She hasn’t any claims on me. I’ll never see her any more. —
我和我妻子已经分手了。她对我没有任何要求。我再也不会见到她了。 —

That’s why I’m here to-night. That’s why I came and got you.”

“You said Charlie was hurt,” said Carrie, savagely. “You deceived me. —
“你说查理受伤了,”凯丽愤怒地说:”你骗了我。 —

You’ve been deceiving me all the time, and now you want to force me to run away with you.”

She was so excited that she got up and tried to get by him again. —
她激动得站起来再次想要绕过他。 —

He let her, and she took another seat. Then he followed.

“Don’t run away from me, Carrie,” he said gently. “Let me explain. —
“别从我这里跑掉,凯丽,”他轻声说道,“让我解释一下。” —

If you will only hear me out you will see where I stand. I tell you my wife is nothing to me. —
只要你听我说完,你就会明白我立场。我告诉你,我的妻子对我毫无意义。 —

She hasn’t been anything for years or I wouldn’t have ever come near you. —
她多年来都不是我的任何人,否则我永远不会靠近你。 —

I’m going to get a divorce just as soon as I can. I’ll never see her again. I’m done with all that. —
我会尽快离婚的。我永远不会再见到她。我和那一切都告一段落了。 —

You’re the only person I want. If I can have you I won’t ever think of another woman again.”

Carrie heard all this in a very ruffled state. —
凯丽听得一头雾水。 —

It sounded sincere enough, however, despite all he had done. —
尽管他做过这么多事情,听起来倒是挺诚恳的。 —

There was a tenseness in Hurstwood’s voice and manner which could but have some effect. —
赫斯特伍德的声音和态度中带着一种紧张感,这无疑会产生影响。 —

She did not want anything to do with him. —
她不想和他有任何关系。 —

He was married, he had deceived her once, and now again, and she thought him terrible. —
他有妻子,他曾欺骗过她一次,现在又一次,她认为他很可怕。 —

Still there is something in such daring and power which is fascinating to a woman, especially if she can be made to feel that it is all prompted by love of her.

The progress of the train was having a great deal to do with the solution of this difficult situation. —
列车的行驶速度对于解决这一困境起到了很大的作用。 —

The speeding wheels and disappearing country put Chicago farther and farther behind. —
飞驰的车轮和消失的乡村使芝加哥越来越遥远。 —

Carrie could feel that she was being borne a long distance off – that the engine was making an almost through run to some distant city. —
凯丽感觉自己被带到了很远的地方——火车正朝着某个遥远的城市几乎一路飞驰。 —

She felt at times as if she could cry out and make such a row that some one would come to her aid; —
她有时感到自己可以大声喊叫,以便有人来帮助她; —

at other times it seemed an almost useless thing – so far was she from any aid, no matter what she did. —
而另一些时候,似乎这几乎是无用的事情–她离任何帮助都很远,无论她做什么; —

All the while Hurstwood was endeavouring to formulate his plea in such a way that it would strike home and bring her into sympathy with him.

“I was simply put where I didn’t know what else to do.”

Carrie deigned no suggestion of hearing this.

“When I saw you wouldn’t come unless I could marry you, I decided to put everything else behind me and get you to come away with me. —
“当我发现你只有在嫁给我后才愿意过来时,我决定将一切抛诸脑后,只想劝说你跟我走。 —

I’m going off now to another city. I want to go to Montreal for a while, and then anywhere you want to. —
我现在要去另一个城市。我想去蒙特利尔一段时间,然后到你想去的任何地方。 —

We’ll go and live in New York, if you say.”

“I’ll not have anything to do with you,” said Carrie. —
“我不想和你有任何牵扯,”嘉莉说。 —

“I want to get off this train. Where are we going?”

“To Detroit,” said Hurstwood.
“底特律,” 赫斯特伍德说。

“Oh!” said Carrie, in a burst of anguish. —
“哦!” 嘉莉痛苦地说。 —

So distant and definite a point seemed to increase the difficulty.

“Won’t you come along with me?” he said, as if there was great danger that she would not. —
“你会跟我走吗?”他说,仿佛有很大的危险她不会跟他走。 —

“You won’t need to do anything but travel with me. I’ll not trouble you in any way. —
“你不需要做任何事情,只需和我一起旅行。我不会以任何方式打扰你。” —

You can see Montreal and New York, and then if you don’t want to stay you can go back. —
你可以看到蒙特利尔和纽约,然后如果你不想留下来,你可以回去。 —

It will be better than trying to go back to-night.”

The first gleam of fairness shone in this proposition for Carrie. —
对于嘉莉,这个提议中第一丝公平的光辉开始闪现。 —

It seemed a plausible thing to do, much as she feared his opposition if she tried to carry it out. —
尽管她担心如果她尝试执行这个计划会遭到他的反对,但这似乎是件可行的事。 —

Montreal and New York! Even now she was speeding toward those great, strange lands, and could see them if she liked. —
蒙特利尔和纽约!即使此刻,她正在飞往那些伟大、陌生的地方,如果愿意的话,她可以看到它们。 —

She thought, but made no sign.

Hurstwood thought he saw a shade of compliance in this. He redoubled his ardour.

“Think,” he said, “what I’ve given up. I can’t go back to Chicago any more. —
“想想看,”他说,“我为了这个放弃了什么。我不能再回到芝加哥去了。 —

I’ve got to stay away and live alone now, if you don’t come with me. —
如果你不跟我走,我现在必须离开并独自生活。你不会完全抛弃我,对吧,嘉莉?” —

You won’t go back on me entirely, will you, Carrie?”

“I don’t want you to talk to me,” she answered forcibly.

Hurstwood kept silent for a while.

Carrie felt the train to be slowing down. —
现在是行动的时刻,如果她要采取行动的话。 —

It was the moment to act if she was to act at all. —
她不安地动了动。 —

She stirred uneasily.

“Don’t think of going, Carrie,” he said. “If you ever cared for me at all, come along and let’s start right. —
“别想走,凯瑞,”他说道。“如果你曾经对我有一丝在乎,就跟我一起走吧,我们重新开始吧。” —

I’ll do whatever you say. I’ll marry you, or I’ll let you go back. —
“无论你说什么,我都会答应。我会娶你,或者让你回去。” —

Give yourself time to think it over. I wouldn’t have wanted you to come if I hadn’t loved you. I tell you, Carrie, before God, I can’t live without you. I won’t!”

There was the tensity of fierceness in the man’s plea which appealed deeply to her sympathies. —
他的恳求中带着一种强烈的紧迫感,深深触动了她的同情心。 —

It was a dissolving fire which was actuating him now. —
他现在的行动是被一团燃烧的火燃起的。 —

He was loving her too intensely to think of giving her up in this, his hour of distress. —
他爱她的程度太深,以至于不能想象在这个困境中放弃她。 —

He clutched her hand nervously and pressed it with all the force of an appeal.

The train was now all but stopped. It was running by some cars on a side track. —
火车现在几乎停下了。它在一条侧轨上经过一些车厢。 —

Everything outside was dark and dreary. A few sprinkles on the window began to indicate that it was raining. —
外面一切都是阴暗和沉闷。窗户上的几滴雨点开始显示出在下雨。 —

Carrie hung in a quandary, balancing between decision and helplessness. —
凯瑞陷入了犹豫之中,摇摆在决定和无助之间。 —

Now the train stopped, and she was listening to his plea. —
火车现在停了下来,她听着他的恳求。 —

The engine backed a few feet and all was still.

She wavered, totally unable to make a move. —
她犹豫不决,完全无法行动。 —

Minute after minute slipped by and still she hesitated, he pleading.

“Will you let me come back if I want to?” —
“如果我想回来,你会让我回来吗?” —

she asked, as if she now had the upper hand and her companion was utterly subdued.

“Of course,” he answered, “you know I will.”

Carrie only listened as one who has granted a temporary amnesty. —
Carrie只是像一个暂时获得特赦的人一样听着。 —

She began to feel as if the matter were in her hands entirely.

The train was again in rapid motion. Hurstwood changed the subject.

“Aren’t you very tired?” he said.

“No,” she answered.

“Won’t you let me get you a berth in the sleeper?”

She shook her head, though for all her distress and his trickery she was beginning to notice what she had always felt – his thoughtfulness.

“Oh, yes,” he said, “you will feel so much better.”

She shook her head.

“Let me fix my coat for you, anyway,” and he arose and arranged his light coat in a comfortable position to receive her head.

“There,” he said tenderly, “now see if you can’t rest a little.” —
“好了,”他温柔地说,“现在试着看看能不能休息一下。” —

He could have kissed her for her compliance. —
他几乎要因为她的顺从而亲吻她。 —

He took his seat beside her and thought a moment.

“I believe we’re in for a heavy rain,” he said.

“So it looks,” said Carrie, whose nerves were quieting under the sound of the rain drops, driven by a gusty wind, as the train swept on frantically through the shadow to a newer world.

The fact that he had in a measure mollified Carrie was a source of satisfaction to Hurstwood, but it furnished only the most temporary relief. —
赫斯特伍德知道,能在某种程度上平息了凯莉的愤怒,让他感到满足,但这只是一时的安慰。 —

Now that her opposition was out of the way, he had all of his time to devote to the consideration of his own error.

His condition was bitter in the extreme, for he did not want the miserable sum he had stolen. —
他的状况极其痛苦,因为他不想要那点他偷来的可怜的一笔钱。 —

He did not want to be a thief. That sum or any other could never compensate for the state which he had thus foolishly doffed. —
他不想成为一个小偷。那笔钱或者任何其他的钱都无法弥补他因愚蠢而失去的状态。 —

It could not give him back his host of friends, his name, his house and family, nor Carrie, as he had meant to have her. —
那笔钱无法还给他失去的朋友、名誉、房子和家人,无法还给他曾想拥有的凯莉。 —

He was shut out from Chicago – from his easy, comfortable state. —
他被挡在芝加哥之外,无法回到他原本轻松舒适的生活状态。 —

He had robbed himself of his dignity, his merry meetings, his pleasant evenings. And for what? —
他自己抢夺了他的尊严、欢乐的聚会、愉快的夜晚。而这一切难以弥补。 —

The more he thought of it the more unbearable it became. —
他越想越觉得难以忍受。 —

He began to think that he would try and restore himself to his old state. —
他开始考虑尝试恢复自己原来的状态。 —

He would return the miserable thievings of the night and explain. —
他将把那可怜的一夜的所窃还回去,并解释。 —

Perhaps Moy would understand. Perhaps they would forgive him and let him come back.

By noontime the train rolled into Detroit and he began to feel exceedingly nervous. —
中午时分火车抵达底特律,他开始感到极度紧张。 —

The police must be on his track by now. They had probably notified all the police of the big cities, and detectives would be watching for him. —
现在警察应该在追查他的踪迹了。他们很可能已经通知了所有大城市的警察,侦探会在等着他。 —

He remembered instances in which defaulters had been captured. —
他记得一些被抓的拖欠者的案例。 —

Consequently, he breathed heavily and paled somewhat. —
因此,他呼吸急促,脸色略显苍白。 —

His hands felt as if they must have something to do. —
他感觉自己的手一定要做些什么。 —

He simulated interest in several scenes without which he did not feel. He repeatedly beat his foot upon the floor.

Carrie noticed his agitation, but said nothing. —
嘉莉注意到他的焦虑,但什么也没说。 —

She had no idea what it meant or that it was important.

He wondered now why he had not asked whether this train went on through to Montreal or some Canadian point. —
他现在想知道为什么没有问这趟火车是否直达蒙特利尔或加拿大的某个地方。 —

Perhaps he could have saved time. He jumped up and sought the conductor.

“Does any part of this train go to Montreal?” he asked.

“Yes, the next sleeper back does.”

He would have asked more, but it did not seem wise, so he decided to inquire at the depot.

The train rolled into the yards, clanging and puffing.

“I think we had better go right on through to Montreal,” he said to Carrie. —
“我想我们最好直接坐到蒙特利尔去,“他对嘉莉说。 —

“I’ll see what the connections are when we get off.”

He was exceedingly nervous, but did his best to put on a calm exterior. —
他非常紧张,但尽力装出平静的外表。 —

Carrie only looked at him with large, troubled eyes. —
凯丽只是用着双大大的眼睛看着他,眼神里充满困扰。 —

She was drifting mentally, unable to say to herself what to do.

The train stopped and Hurstwood led the way out. —
火车停了下来,赫斯特伍德领路走了出去。 —

He looked warily around him, pretending to look after Carrie. —
他警惕地四处张望,假装在照看凯丽。 —

Seeing nothing that indicated studied observation, he made his way to the ticket office.

“The next train for Montreal leaves when?” he asked.

“In twenty minutes,” said the man.
“还有二十分钟,” 那人答道。

He bought two tickets and Pullman berths. Then he hastened back to Carrie.

“We go right out again,” he said, scarcely noticing that Carrie looked tired and weary.
“我们马上就再出发,” 他说,几乎没有注意到凯丽看起来疲惫不堪。

“I wish I was out of all this,” she exclaimed gloomily.
“我真希望能摆脱这一切,” 她郁闷地说道。

“You’ll feel better when we reach Montreal,” he said.
“一到蒙特利尔你就会感觉好些的,” 他说。

“I haven’t an earthly thing with me,” said Carrie; “not even a handkerchief.”
“我身边什么都没有,” 凯丽说道,“甚至没有手帕。”

“You can buy all you want as soon as you get there, dearest,” he explained. —
“亲爱的,你到那边就可以买你想要的一切,” 他解释道。 —

“You can call in a dressmaker.”

Now the crier called the train ready and they got on. —
这时广播员宣布火车准备好了,他们上了车。 —

Hurstwood breathed a sigh of relief as it started. —
赫斯特伍德松了口气,船开始了航行。 —

There was a short run to the river, and there they were ferried over. —
到达河边只有短短一段跑步路程,他们就坐上了渡船。 —

They had barely pulled the train off the ferry-boat when he settled back with a sigh.

“It won’t be so very long now,” he said, remembering her in his relief. —
“这不会太久了,”他在松了一口气后想起了她。 —

“We get there the first thing in the morning.”

Carrie scarcely deigned to reply.

“I’ll see if there is a dining-car,” he added. “I’m hungry.”