At eleven o’clock that night, having secured a bed at one of the hotels and telegraphed his address to his father immediately on his arrival, he walked out into the streets of Sandbourne. —
那天晚上十一点,他在一家酒店租到了房间,立刻在到达时就向父亲发了地址的电报,然后走出了桑伯恩的街头。 —

It was too late to call on or inquire for any one, and he reluctantly postponed his purpose till the morning. —
时间已经太晚,无法拜访或打听任何人,他不情愿地把打算推迟到第二天。 —

But he could not retire to rest just yet.

This fashionable watering-place, with its eastern and its western stations, its piers, its groves of pines, its promenades, and its covered gardens, was, to Angel Clare, like a fairy place suddenly created by the stroke of a wand, and allowed to get a little dusty. —
这个时尚的温泉胜地,带有东部和西部车站,散步道,松树林,游廊和有顶花园,对安吉尔·克莱尔来说,就像是一座被一挥手创造出来的仙境,只是悄然积了灰尘。 —

An outlying eastern tract of the enormous Egdon Waste was close at hand, yet on the very verge of that tawny piece of antiquity such a glittering novelty as this pleasure city had chosen to spring up. —
一个位于巨大的艾格登荒地边缘的东部边缘地区很近,然而在这灰褐色的古老地方的最边缘处,一座如此闪闪发亮的新奇之物,这座享乐之城偏偏选择了生长。 —

Within the space of a mile from its outskirts every irregularity of the soil was prehistoric, every channel an undisturbed British trackway; —
距离市郊区不到一英里的地方,每块土地的不规则形态都具有史前特征,每条河道都是未受干扰的古老不列颠人的古迹; —

not a sod having been turned there since the days of the Czars. Yet the exotic had grown here, suddenly as the prophet’s gourd; —
从沙皇统治时期以来,那里的泥土没有被翻过。但异国情调在此生长,如同先知的葫芦一样突然出现; —

and had drawn hither Tess.

By the midnight lamps he went up and down the winding ways of this new world in an old one, and could discern between the trees and against the stars the lofty roofs, chimneys, gazebos, and towers of the numerous fanciful residences of which the place was composed. —
在午夜的灯光下,他在交错曲折的路上来回穿行,这个旧世界中的新世界中,在树木和星星的映衬下,他可以看到这个地方由众多别致住宅组成,有高高的屋顶,烟囱,凉亭和塔楼。 —

It was a city of detached mansions; a Mediterranean lounging-place on the English Channel; —
那是一座分散独立的别墅城市;是英吉利海峡上的地中海休闲场所; —

and as seen now by night it seemed even more imposing than it was.

The sea was near at hand, but not intrusive; it murmured, and he thought it was the pines; —
海就在旁边,但并不强求进入;它低语着,他以为是松林; —

the pines murmured in precisely the same tones, and he thought they were the sea.

Where could Tess possibly be, a cottage-girl, his young wife, amidst all this wealth and fashion? —
蒂丝究竟在哪里呢,一个农家女,他年轻的妻子,在所有这些财富和时尚之中? —

The more he pondered the more was he puzzled. Were there any cows to milk here? —
他越思考越感到困惑。这里会有奶牛要挤吗? —

There certainly were no fields to till. She was most probably engaged to do something in one of these large houses; —
在那里肯定没有田地可耕种。她很可能被聘用在这些大房子中做些什么; —

and he sauntered along, looking at the chamber-windows and their lights going out one by one; —
他漫步着,看着那些房间的窗户,一个接着一个的熄灭的灯光; —

and wondered which of them might be hers.

Conjecture was useless, and just after twelve o’clock he entered and went to bed. —
推测是没有用的,午夜过后他就进入了房间去睡觉; —

Before putting out his light he re-read Tess’s impassioned letter. —
在关灯前,他又重读了蒂丝激动人心的信; —

Sleep, however, he could not, - so near her, yet so far from her - and he continually lifted the window-blind and regarded the backs of the opposite houses, and wondered behind which of the sashes she reposed at that moment.

He might almost as well have sat up all night. —
他或许差不多坐了整夜; —

In the morning he arose at seven, and shortly after went out, taking the direction of the chief post-office. —
早晨七点他起床,不久后便出门,朝着主要邮局的方向走去; —

At the door he met an intelligent postman coming out with letters for the morning delivery.

Do you know the address of a Mrs Clare?' asked Angel. <span><tang1>你知道克莱尔夫人的地址吗?’ 安吉尔问道;

The postman shook his head.

Then, remembering that she would have been likely to continue the use of her maiden name, Clare said–

Or a Miss Durbeyfield? <span><tang1>或者是德贝菲尔德小姐?

Durbeyfield?' <span><tang1>德贝菲尔德?’

This also was strange to the postman addressed.

`There’s visitors coming and going every day, as you know, sir,’ he said; —
“每天都有访客来来往往,您知道的,先生,”他说; —

`and without the name of the house ‘tis impossible to find ‘em.’

One of his comrades hastening out at that moment, the name was repeated to him.

`I know no name of Durbeyfield; but there is the name of d’Urberville at The Herons,’ said the second.

`That’s it!’ cried Clare, pleased to think that she had reverted to the real pronunciation. —
“就是那个!”克莱尔喜欢地想到她回到了真正的发音上。 —

`What place is The Herons?’

`A stylish lodging-house. ‘Tis all lodging-houses here, bless ‘ee.’

Clare received directions how to find the house, and hastened thither, arriving with the milkman. —
克莱尔得到了找到这个房子的指示,急忙赶往那里,和送牛奶的人一起到达。 —

The Herons, though an ordinary villa, stood in its own grounds, and was certainly the last place in which one would have expected to find lodgings, so private was its appearance. —
虽然雁鹭小屋只是一座普通的别墅,但它站在自己的园地里,绝对是最不可能找到住所的地方,因为它看起来很隐私。 —

If poor Tess was a servant here, as he feared, she would go to the back-door to that milkman, and he was inclined to go thither also. —
如果可怜的苔丝在这里做仆人,他担心,她会去后门找那个送牛奶的人,他也倾向于去那里。 —

However, in his doubts he turned to the front, and rang.

The hour being early the landlady herself opened the door.

Clare inquired for Teresa d’Urberville or Durbeyfield.

`Mrs d’Urberville?’


Tess, then, passed as a married woman, and he felt glad, even though she had not adopted his name.

`Will you kindly tell her that a relative is anxious to see her?’

`It is rather early. What name shall I give, sir?’


`Mr Angel?’

`No; Angel. It is my Christian name. She’ll understand.’

`I’ll see if she is awake.’

He was shown into the front room - the dining-room - and looked out through the spring curtains at the little lawn, and the rhododendrons and other shrubs upon it. —
他被领进前面的房间——饭厅——透过春天的窗帘看着小草坪和上面的杜鹃花和其他灌木。 —

Obviously her position was by no means so bad as he had feared, and it crossed his mind that she must somehow have claimed and sold the jewels to attain it. —
很明显,她的处境并不像他担心的那样糟糕,他不禁想到她一定以某种方式宣称并出售了珠宝才得以达到这一点。 —

He did not blame her for one moment. Soon his sharpened ear detected footsteps upon the stairs, at which his heart thumped so painfully that he could hardly stand firm. —
他一刻也不怪她。很快,他敏锐的耳朵听见了楼梯上的脚步声,他的心跳猛烈地颤动,几乎站得不牢固。 —

`Dear me! what will she think of me, so altered as I am!’ —
“天啊!她会怎么看待我,我变得这么不同了。” —

he said to himself; and the door opened.

Tess appeared on the threshold - not at all as he had expected to see her - bewilderingly otherwise, indeed. —
泰丝出现在门槛上——完全不像他所预期的那样——事实上让人困惑。 —

Her great natural beauty was, if not heightened, rendered more obvious by her attire. —
她身穿一件淡灰白色的克什米尔睡袍,刺绣着半哀悼色彩,这让她盛丽的天然美更加明显,她还穿着同色调的拖鞋。 —

She was loosely wrapped in a cashmere dressing-gown of gray-white, embroidered in half-mourning tints, and she wore slippers of the same hue. —
原来她是这样的装束,简直让他目瞪口呆。 —

Her neck rose out of a frill of down, and her well-remembered cable of dark-brown hair was partially coiled up in a mass at the back of her head and partly hanging on her shoulder - the evident result of haste.

He had held out his arms, but they had fallen again to his side; —
他伸出双臂,但又放回身旁; —

for she had not come forward, remaining still in the opening of the doorway. —
因为她没有向前走,依然站在门口。 —

Mere yellow skeleton that he was now he felt the contrast between them, and thought his appearance distasteful to her.

Tess!' he said huskily,can you forgive me for going away? —
“苔丝!”他嘶哑地说道,“你能原谅我离开吗? —

Can’t you - come to me? How do you get to be - like this?’

`It is too late,’ said she, her voice sounding hard through the room, her eyes shining unnaturally.

`I did not think rightly of you - I did not see you as you were!’ —
“我对你的看法不对——我没有看清你!” —

he continued to plead. `I have learnt to since, dearest Tessy mine!’

`Too late, too late!’ she said, waving her hand in the impatience of a person whose tortures cause every instant to seem an hour. —
“太晚了,太晚了!”她说着,挥动着手,仿佛每一刻都让她的折磨变成了一个小时。 —

`Don’t come close to me, Angel! No - you must not. Keep away.’

`But don’t you love me, my dear wife, because I have been so pulled down by illness? —
“但是你不爱我了吗,我亲爱的妻子,因为我的疾病让我如此憔悴? —

You are not so fickle - I am come on purpose for you - my mother and father will welcome you now!’

`Yes - O, yes, yes! But I say, I say it is too late.’ —
“是的——哦,是的,是的!但我说,我说现在为时已晚。” —

She seemed to feel like a fugitive in a dream, who tries to move away, but cannot. —
她似乎感觉自己像是梦中的逃亡者,想要远离但无法移动。 —

`Don’t you know all - don’t you know it? —
你不知道吗,不明白吗 - 你不知道吗? —

Yet how do you come here if you do not know?’

`I inquired here and there, and I found the way.’

I waited and waited for you,' she went on, her tones suddenly resuming their old fluty pathos. --- <span><tang1>我等着你,等了又等,’ 她突然重新带着她那原来的哀伤的音调说道。 —

But you did not come! And I wrote to you, and you did not come! --- <span><tang1>但是你没有来!我写信给你,你也没有来! —

He kept on saying you would never come any more, and that I was a foolish woman. —
他一直说你再也不会来了,说我是个愚蠢的女人。 —

He was very kind to me, and to mother, and to all of us after father’s death. He–’

I don't understand.' <span><tang1>我不明白。’

He has won me back to him.' <span><tang1>他又把我重新吸引回到他那边。’

Clare looked at her keenly, then, gathering her meaning, flagged like one plague-stricken, and his glance sank; —
克莱尔瞪大眼睛紧紧地盯着她,随后,意识到她的意思,就像中了瘟疫一样萎靡不振,他的目光低垂; —

it fell on her hands, which, once rosy, were now white and more delicate.

She continued–

He is upstairs. I hate him now, because he told me a lie - that you would not come again; --- <span><tang1>他在楼上。现在我讨厌他,因为他对我说了谎 - 说你再也不会回来; —

and you have come! These clothes are what he’s put upon me: —
你却回来了!这些衣服是他给我穿的: —

I didn’t care what he did wi’ me! But - will you go away, Angel, please, and never come any more?’
我不在乎他怎么对待我!但是 - 安吉尔,你能走开吗,请永远不要再来了吗?’

They stood fixed, their baffled hearts looking out of their eyes with a joylessness pitiful to see. —
他们站在那里一动不动,他们的困惑之心透过眼睛望出来,那种无法言喻的悲凄令人怜悯。 —

Both seemed to implore something to shelter them from reality.

`Ah - it is my fault!’ said Clare.
“啊 - 这是我的错!” 克莱尔说道。

But he could not get on. Speech was as inexpressive as silence. —
但他无法继续说下去。言语和沉默一样无法表达。 —

But he had a vague consciousness of one thing, though it was not clear to him till later; —
但他模糊地意识到一件事,直到后来才变得明确; —

that his original Tess had spiritually ceased to recognize the body before him as hers - allowing it to drift, like a corpse upon the current, in a direction dissociated from its living will.
那就是他最初所认识的那个苔丝在精神上已经不再认可眼前的身体是她自己的 - 让这具身体随波逐流,像一具漂泊的尸体,沿着远离活生生意志的方向漂荡。

A few instants passed, and he found that Tess was gone. —
几个瞬间过去了,他发现苔丝已经离开了。 —

His face grew colder and more shrunken as he stood concentrated on the moment, and a minute or two after he found himself in the street, walking along he did not know whither.