The Wimpole Street laboratory. Midnight. Nobody in the room. —
温波尔街实验室。午夜。房间里没有人。 —

The clock on the mantelpiece strikes twelve. —
壁炉架上的钟敲响了十二下。 —

The fire is not alight: it is a summer night.

Presently Higgins and Pickering are heard on the stairs.

HIGGINS [calling down to Pickering] I say, Pick: lock up, will you. I shan’t be going out again.
希金斯 [向皮克林喊道]我说,皮克,锁好门,好吗。我不会再出门了。

PICKERING. Right. Can Mrs. Pearce go to bed? We don’t want anything more, do we?

HIGGINS. Lord, no!

Eliza opens the door and is seen on the lighted landing in opera cloak, brilliant evening dress, and diamonds, with fan, flowers, and all accessories. —
伊丽莎打开门,在明亮的楼梯间中被看到,穿着歌剧斗篷、华丽的晚礼服和钻石饰品,手持扇子、鲜花和所有配饰。 —

She comes to the hearth, and switches on the electric lights there. She is tired: —
她走到壁炉旁边,打开了那里的电灯。她很累: —

her pallor contrasts strongly with her dark eyes and hair; and her expression is almost tragic. —
她的苍白与深邃的眼睛和头发形成了鲜明的对比;她的表情几乎是悲剧性的。 —

She takes off her cloak; puts her fan and flowers on the piano; —
她脱掉斗篷,把扇子和鲜花放在钢琴上; —

and sits down on the bench, brooding and silent. —
她坐在凳子上,沉思着,沉默不语。 —

Higgins, in evening dress, with overcoat and hat, comes in, carrying a smoking jacket which he has picked up downstairs. —
希金斯穿着晚礼服进来,手里拿着一件在楼下捡到的披肩。 —

He takes off the hat and overcoat; throws them carelessly on the newspaper stand; —
他取下帽子和外套,随意地扔在报摊上; —

disposes of his coat in the same way; puts on the smoking jacket; —
他同样地处理了他的外套,穿上了烟袍; —

and throws himself wearily into the easy-chair at the hearth. —
他疲倦地坐在炉边的舒适椅子上; —

Pickering, similarly attired, comes in. He also takes off his hat and overcoat, and is about to throw them on Higgins’s when he hesitates.

PICKERING. I say: Mrs. Pearce will row if we leave these things lying about in the drawing-room.

HIGGINS. Oh, chuck them over the bannisters into the hall. —
希金斯:哦,把它们扔在楼梯的栏杆上吧。 —

She’ll find them there in the morning and put them away all right. —
早上她会在那里找到它们,并收拾好的。 —

She’ll think we were drunk.

PICKERING. We are, slightly. Are there any letters?

HIGGINS. I didn’t look. [Pickering takes the overcoats and hats and goes down stairs. —
希金斯:我没看。 (皮克宁拿起外套和帽子下楼。) —

Higgins begins half singing half yawning an air from La Fanciulla del Golden West. Suddenly he stops and exclaims] I wonder where the devil my slippers are!

Eliza looks at him darkly; then leaves the room.

Higgins yawns again, and resumes his song. —
希金斯再次打了个哈欠,并继续唱他的歌。 —

Pickering returns, with the contents of the letter-box in his hand.

PICKERING. Only circulars, and this coroneted billet-doux for you. —
皮克林格:只有传单,还有这封给你的有冠的情书。 —

[He throws the circulars into the fender, and posts himself on the hearthrug, with his back to the grate].

HIGGINS [glancing at the billet-doux] Money-lender. [He throws the letter after the circulars].
希金斯 [看着情书] 借贷者。[他把信扔在传单后面]。

Eliza returns with a pair of large down-at-heel slippers. —
伊莱扎拿着一双大而破旧的拖鞋回来了。 —

She places them on the carpet before Higgins, and sits as before without a word.

HIGGINS [yawning again] Oh Lord! What an evening! What a crew! What a silly tomfoollery! —
希金斯 [再次打了个哈欠] 哦,天啊!多么漫长的晚上!多么讨厌的一帮人!多么愚蠢的闹腾! —

[He raises his shoe to unlace it, and catches sight of the slippers. —
[他抬起脚准备解开鞋带,突然看到了那双拖鞋。 —

He stops unlacing and looks at them as if they had appeared there of their own accord]. —
他停下解鞋带的动作,像是那双拖鞋是自己冒出来的一样看着它们。 —

Oh! they’re there, are they?

PICKERING [stretching himself] Well, I feel a bit tired. It’s been a long day. —
皮克林格 [伸了个懒腰] 好吧,我有点累了。今天过得太久了。 —

The garden party, a dinner party, and the opera! Rather too much of a good thing. —
花园派对,晚宴,还有歌剧!太多好事了。 —

But you’ve won your bet, Higgins. Eliza did the trick, and something to spare, eh?

HIGGINS [fervently] Thank God it’s over!
希金斯 [热切地] 谢天谢地,终于结束了!

Eliza flinches violently; but they take no notice of her; —
伊丽莎剧烈地抽搐一下,但他们没有注意到她, —

and she recovers herself and sits stonily as before.

PICKERING. Were you nervous at the garden party? I was. Eliza didn’t seem a bit nervous.

HIGGINS. Oh, she wasn’t nervous. I knew she’d be all right. —
希金斯:哦,她没紧张。我知道她会没问题。 —

No, it’s the strain of putting the job through all these months that has told on me. —
不,是这几个月来完成工作的压力对我起了作用。 —

It was interesting enough at first, while we were at the phonetics; —
在我们学音标的时候还好,挺有趣的; —

but after that I got deadly sick of it. If I hadn’t backed myself to do it I should have chucked the whole thing up two months ago. —
但之后我对此厌烦透顶。如果我没有自信完成这件事,我两个月前就把这整件事都抛弃了。 —

It was a silly notion: the whole thing has been a bore.

PICKERING. Oh come! the garden party was frightfully exciting. My heart began beating like anything.

HIGGINS. Yes, for the first three minutes. —
希金斯:是的,前三分钟。 —

But when I saw we were going to win hands down, I felt like a bear in a cage, hanging about doing nothing. —
但当我看到我们将轻而易举地取胜时,我感觉自己像是被关在笼子里,无所事事。 —

The dinner was worse: sitting gorging there for over an hour, with nobody but a damned fool of a fashionable woman to talk to! —
晚餐太糟糕了:坐在那里吃个没完,只有一个该死的时髦女人可以说话! —

I tell you, Pickering, never again for me. —
我告诉你,皮克林,我再也不去了。 —

No more artificial duchesses. The whole thing has been simple purgatory.

PICKERING. You’ve never been broken in properly to the social routine. —
皮克林。你从来没有适应社交的规矩。 —

[Strolling over to the piano] I rather enjoy dipping into it occasionally myself: —
[走到钢琴旁边]偶尔插一插确实很享受: —

it makes me feel young again. Anyhow, it was a great success: an immense success. —
它让我感觉年轻。无论如何,这是一个巨大的成功:一个巨大的成功。 —

I was quite frightened once or twice because Eliza was doing it so well. —
有时候我真的很害怕,因为伊丽莎表现得太好了。 —

You see, lots of the real people can’t do it at all: —
你看,很多真正的人根本做不到: —

they’re such fools that they think style comes by nature to people in their position; —
他们是如此愚蠢,以至于认为那些身份的人天生就具有风格; —

and so they never learn. There’s always something professional about doing a thing superlatively well.

HIGGINS. Yes: that’s what drives me mad: the silly people don’t know their own silly business. —
希金斯。是的:这让我发疯:那些愚蠢的人不知道自己愚蠢的生意。 —

[Rising] However, it’s over and done with; —
[站起身]无论如何,这件事已经结束了。 —

and now I can go to bed at last without dreading tomorrow.

Eliza’s beauty becomes murderous.

PICKERING. I think I shall turn in too. Still, it’s been a great occasion: —
皮克林。我想我也该睡了。不过,这真是一次伟大的场合。 —

a triumph for you. Good-night. [He goes].

HIGGINS [following him] Good-night. [Over his shoulder, at the door] Put out the lights, Eliza; —
希金斯[跟在他后面]晚安。[在门口对他说]关灯,伊莱扎; —

and tell Mrs. Pearce not to make coffee for me in the morning: —
告诉皮尔斯夫人明天早上别为我准备咖啡: —

I’ll take tea. [He goes out].

Eliza tries to control herself and feel indifferent as she rises and walks across to the hearth to switch off the lights. —
伊莱扎努力控制自己,不让自己感到兴奋,她站起身走到壁炉旁关灯。 —

By the time she gets there she is on the point of screaming. —
当她走到那儿时,她快要尖叫出声。 —

She sits down in Higgins’s chair and holds on hard to the arms. —
她坐在希金斯的椅子上,紧紧抓住扶手。 —

Finally she gives way and flings herself furiously on the floor raging.

HIGGINS [in despairing wrath outside] What the devil have I done with my slippers? —
希金斯 [愤怒地在外面喊道] 我把拖鞋放哪了? —

[He appears at the door].

LIZA [snatching up the slippers, and hurling them at him one after the other with all her force] There are your slippers. —
丽莎 [抓起拖鞋,一个接一个地猛力扔向他] 这是你的拖鞋。 —

And there. Take your slippers; and may you never have a day’s luck with them!

HIGGINS [astounded] What on earth—! [He comes to her]. —
希金斯 [惊讶地] 究竟怎么回事—! [他走到她面前]。 —

What’s the matter? Get up. [He pulls her up]. Anything wrong?
怎么了?起来吧。 [他拉起她]。有什么问题吗?

LIZA [breathless] Nothing wrong—with YOU. I’ve won your bet for you, haven’t I? —
丽莎 [气喘吁吁地] 没有任何问题—与你无关。我为你赢了赌注,是不是? —

That’s enough for you. I don’t matter, I suppose.

HIGGINS. YOU won my bet! You! Presumptuous insect! I won it. —
希金斯。你赢了我的赌注!你!狂妄的小虫子!是我赢了。 —

What did you throw those slippers at me for?

LIZA. Because I wanted to smash your face. I’d like to kill you, you selfish brute. —
丽莎。因为我想打碎你的脸。我想杀了你,你这个自私的畜生。 —

Why didn’t you leave me where you picked me out of—in the gutter? —
你为什么不把我留在你在街上找到我的地方—在阴沟里? —

You thank God it’s all over, and that now you can throw me back again there, do you? —
你感谢上帝这一切都结束了,现在你可以把我扔回那里,对吧? —

[She crisps her fingers, frantically].

HIGGINS [looking at her in cool wonder] The creature IS nervous, after all.

LIZA [gives a suffocated scream of fury, and instinctively darts her nails at his face]!!

HIGGINS [catching her wrists] Ah! would you? Claws in, you cat. —
希金斯[抓住她的手腕]啊!你会这样吗?别扒拉了,你这只猫。 —

How dare you show your temper to me? Sit down and be quiet. —
你怎么敢对我发脾气?坐下,别出声。 —

[He throws her roughly into the easy-chair].

LIZA [crushed by superior strength and weight] What’s to become of me? What’s to become of me?

HIGGINS. How the devil do I know what’s to become of you? What does it matter what becomes of you?

LIZA. You don’t care. I know you don’t care. —
丽莎。你不在乎。我知道你不在乎。 —

You wouldn’t care if I was dead. I’m nothing to you—not so much as them slippers.

HIGGINS [thundering] THOSE slippers.

LIZA [with bitter submission] Those slippers. I didn’t think it made any difference now.

A pause. Eliza hopeless and crushed. Higgins a little uneasy.

HIGGINS [in his loftiest manner] Why have you begun going on like this? —
希金斯[以他最傲慢的方式]你为什么要这样开口? —

May I ask whether you complain of your treatment here?

LIZA. 不。

HIGGINS. Has anybody behaved badly to you? Colonel Pickering? Mrs. Pearce? Any of the servants?
HIGGINS. 有人对你不好吗? Pickering 上校? Pearce 夫人?仆人中的任何人?

LIZA. 没有。

HIGGINS. I presume you don’t pretend that I have treated you badly.
HIGGINS. 我猜想你不会假装我对你不好。

LIZA. 不。

HIGGINS. I am glad to hear it. [He moderates his tone]. —
HIGGINS. 听到这样我很高兴。 [他调节了语气]. —

Perhaps you’re tired after the strain of the day. —
也许你经受了一整天的紧张,会很疲倦。 —

Will you have a glass of champagne? [He moves towards the door].
你要来杯香槟吗? [他走向门口].

LIZA. No. [Recollecting her manners] Thank you.
LIZA. 不,[想起礼仪] 谢谢。

HIGGINS [good-humored again] This has been coming on you for some days. —
HIGGINS [再次友善起来] 这几天你一直在紧张。 —

I suppose it was natural for you to be anxious about the garden party. But that’s all over now. —
我猜你对花园派对感到焦虑是很自然的。但现在这一切都结束了。 —

[He pats her kindly on the shoulder. She writhes]. —
[他友善地拍了拍她的肩膀,她扭动着身体]. —

There’s nothing more to worry about.

LIZA. No. Nothing more for you to worry about. —
LIZA. 没有。你没有更多可烦心的事情了。 —

[She suddenly rises and gets away from him by going to the piano bench, where she sits and hides her face]. —
[她突然起身离开他走向钢琴凳子,在那里坐下并躲起了脸]。 —

Oh God! I wish I was dead.

HIGGINS [staring after her in sincere surprise] Why? in heaven’s name, why? —
希金斯[真诚地望着她]为什么?天哪,为什么? —

[Reasonably, going to her] Listen to me, Eliza. All this irritation is purely subjective.

LIZA. I don’t understand. I’m too ignorant.

HIGGINS. It’s only imagination. Low spirits and nothing else. Nobody’s hurting you. Nothing’s wrong. —
这只是想象。情绪低落而已。没有人在伤害你。没有事情发生。 —

You go to bed like a good girl and sleep it off. —
你像个乖孩子一样上床睡一觉,会好起来的。 —

Have a little cry and say your prayers: that will make you comfortable.

LIZA. I heard YOUR prayers. “Thank God it’s all over!”

HIGGINS [impatiently] Well, don’t you thank God it’s all over? —
希金斯[不耐烦地]好吧,你难道不感谢上帝一切都结束了吗? —

Now you are free and can do what you like.

LIZA [pulling herself together in desperation] What am I fit for? —
莉萨[绝望地振作起来]我适合做什么? —

What have you left me fit for? Where am I to go? —
你还给我剩下了什么?我该去哪里? —

What am I to do? What’s to become of me?

HIGGINS [enlightened, but not at all impressed] Oh, that’s what’s worrying you, is it? —
希金斯[恍然大悟,但并不受印象]哦,这就是困扰你的事情吗? —

[He thrusts his hands into his pockets, and walks about in his usual manner, rattling the contents of his pockets, as if condescending to a trivial subject out of pure kindness]. —
[他把双手插进口袋,以他平常的方式四处走动,像是出于纯粹的善意而对一个琐碎的话题不屑一顾,嘎吱地晃动着口袋里的物品] —

I shouldn’t bother about it if I were you. —
如果我是你,我就不会纠结这事。 —

I should imagine you won’t have much difficulty in settling yourself, somewhere or other, though I hadn’t quite realized that you were going away. —
我想你在别的地方安顿下来应该不会有太大困难,尽管我还没有完全意识到你要走了。 —

[She looks quickly at him: he does not look at her, but examines the dessert stand on the piano and decides that he will eat an apple]. —
[她迅速地看了他一眼:他不看她,而是审视着钢琴上的点心架,决定吃一个苹果] —

You might marry, you know. [He bites a large piece out of the apple, and munches it noisily]. —
你或许可以结婚,你知道的。[他大口地咬了一大块苹果,吃得很吵] —

You see, Eliza, all men are not confirmed old bachelors like me and the Colonel. —
你看,伊莉莎,不是所有的男人都像我和上校一样是铁定的老光棍。 —

Most men are the marrying sort (poor devils!); and you’re not bad-looking; —
大多数男人都适合结婚的(可怜的家伙们!)而你也不算难看; —

it’s quite a pleasure to look at you sometimes—not now, of course, because you’re crying and looking as ugly as the very devil; —
有时候看你还挺愉快的(当然,现在不行,因为你在哭,像魔鬼一样难看); —

but when you’re all right and quite yourself, you’re what I should call attractive. —
但是当你状态好、完全是自己的时候,你可以说是有吸引力的。 —

That is, to the people in the marrying line, you understand. —
也就是说,对于那些处于结婚队伍中的人来说,你们能理解。 —

You go to bed and have a good nice rest; —
然后你就上床睡个好觉; —

and then get up and look at yourself in the glass; —
然后起床去镜子前看看自己; —

and you won’t feel so cheap.

Eliza again looks at him, speechless, and does not stir.

The look is quite lost on him: he eats his apple with a dreamy expression of happiness, as it is quite a good one.

HIGGINS [a genial afterthought occurring to him] I daresay my mother could find some chap or other who would do very well—

LIZA. We were above that at the corner of Tottenham Court Road.

HIGGINS [waking up] What do you mean?

LIZA. I sold flowers. I didn’t sell myself. —
丽扎。我卖花。我没有卖自己。 —

Now you’ve made a lady of me I’m not fit to sell anything else. —
现在你已经让我变成了一个淑女,我再也不适合卖其他任何东西了。 —

I wish you’d left me where you found me.

HIGGINS [slinging the core of the apple decisively into the grate] Tosh, Eliza. Don’t you insult human relations by dragging all this cant about buying and selling into it. —
希金斯(果断地把苹果核扔进炉格)胡说八道,伊莉莎。你不必通过将买卖混入到人际关系中来侮辱它。 —

You needn’t marry the fellow if you don’t like him.

LIZA. What else am I to do?

HIGGINS. Oh, lots of things. What about your old idea of a florist’s shop? —
希金斯:噢,有很多事情。你以前开花店的主意怎么样? —

Pickering could set you up in one: he’s lots of money. —
皮克林肯可以帮你建立一家:他有很多钱。 —

[Chuckling] He’ll have to pay for all those togs you have been wearing today; —
【轻笑】他得为你穿的这些衣服付钱;加上租借珠宝的费用,会在两百英镑里造成很大的空缺。 —

and that, with the hire of the jewellery, will make a big hole in two hundred pounds. —
为什么呢,半年前你会认为拥有自己的花店是千载难逢的机遇。 —

Why, six months ago you would have thought it the millennium to have a flower shop of your own. —
来吧!你会没事的。我得回去睡觉了,我疲倦得要命。 —

Come! you’ll be all right. I must clear off to bed: I’m devilish sleepy. —
顺便说一句,我下来是为了某件事情,我忘了是为了什么。 —

By the way, I came down for something: I forget what it was.

LIZA. Your slippers.

HIGGINS. Oh yes, of course. You shied them at me. —
【他捡起它们,要走时她站起来对他说话】。 LIZA:在您离开之前,先生—— —

[He picks them up, and is going out when she rises and speaks to him].

LIZA. Before you go, sir—

HIGGINS [dropping the slippers in his surprise at her calling him sir] Eh?

LIZA. Do my clothes belong to me or to Colonel Pickering?

HIGGINS [coming back into the room as if her question were the very climax of unreason] What the devil use would they be to Pickering?

LIZA. He might want them for the next girl you pick up to experiment on.

HIGGINS [shocked and hurt] Is THAT the way you feel towards us?

LIZA. I don’t want to hear anything more about that. —
莉萨。我不想听那些了。 —

All I want to know is whether anything belongs to me. —
我只想知道有什么是属于我的。 —

My own clothes were burnt.

HIGGINS. But what does it matter? Why need you start bothering about that in the middle of the night?

LIZA. I want to know what I may take away with me. I don’t want to be accused of stealing.

HIGGINS [now deeply wounded] Stealing! You shouldn’t have said that, Eliza. That shows a want of feeling.

LIZA. I’m sorry. I’m only a common ignorant girl; and in my station I have to be careful. —
莉萨。对不起。我只是一个普通的无知女孩;在我的地位上,我必须小心。 —

There can’t be any feelings between the like of you and the like of me. —
你们这样的人和我这样的人之间不能有任何感情。 —

Please will you tell me what belongs to me and what doesn’t?

HIGGINS [very sulky] You may take the whole damned houseful if you like. Except the jewels. —
希金斯【非常闷闷不乐】如果你愿意,你可以把整个该死的房子都带走。除了那些珠宝。 —

They’re hired. Will that satisfy you? [He turns on his heel and is about to go in extreme dudgeon].

LIZA [drinking in his emotion like nectar, and nagging him to provoke a further supply] Stop, please. [She takes off her jewels]. —
莉莎:(享受着情感,就像在喝蜜酒一样,继续挑衅他以继续供应)停下来,拜托。(她摘下了她的珠宝)。 —

Will you take these to your room and keep them safe? —
你能把这些带到你的房间并保管好吗? —

I don’t want to run the risk of their being missing.

HIGGINS [furious] Hand them over. [She puts them into his hands]. —
希金斯(愤怒地)把它们交出来。(她把它们放在他手里) —

If these belonged to me instead of to the jeweler, I’d ram them down your ungrateful throat. —
如果这些是属于我而不是珠宝商的,我会把它们塞进你忘恩负义的喉咙里。 —

[He perfunctorily thrusts them into his pockets, unconsciously decorating himself with the protruding ends of the chains].

LIZA [taking a ring off] This ring isn’t the jeweler’s: it’s the one you bought me in Brighton. —
莉莎:(摘下一枚戒指)这枚戒指不是珠宝商的,是你在布赖顿给我买的。 —

I don’t want it now. [Higgins dashes the ring violently into the fireplace, and turns on her so threateningly that she crouches over the piano with her hands over her face, and exclaims] Don’t you hit me.

HIGGINS. Hit you! You infamous creature, how dare you accuse me of such a thing? —
希金斯:打你!你这个可耻的人,你怎么敢指责我做这种事? —

It is you who have hit me. You have wounded me to the heart.

LIZA [thrilling with hidden joy] I’m glad. I’ve got a little of my own back, anyhow.

HIGGINS [with dignity, in his finest professional style] You have caused me to lose my temper: —
希金斯【以庄重的专业风格】你让我失去了冷静:这在我之前几乎从未发生过。 —

a thing that has hardly ever happened to me before. —
今晚我宁愿什么都不说了。我要去睡觉了。 —

I prefer to say nothing more tonight. I am going to bed.

LIZA [pertly] You’d better leave a note for Mrs. Pearce about the coffee; —
希金斯【正式地】该死的皮尔斯夫人;该死的咖啡;该死的你;该死的我自己荒废了我辛辛苦苦获得的知识和我对你倾注的珍贵关怀和亲密。 —

for she won’t be told by me.

HIGGINS [formally] Damn Mrs. Pearce; and damn the coffee; and damn you; —
这时莉萨第一次露出笑容;通过一种疯狂的哑剧表达她的情感,其中模仿了希金斯离开的方式,使她自己的胜利变得混乱不清; —

and damn my own folly in having lavished MY hard-earned knowledge and the treasure of my regard and intimacy on a heartless guttersnipe. —
最后,她跪在炉毯上寻找戒指。 —

[He goes out with impressive decorum, and spoils it by slamming the door savagely].

Eliza smiles for the first time; expresses her feelings by a wild pantomime in which an imitation of Higgins’s exit is confused with her own triumph; —

and finally goes down on her knees on the hearthrug to look for the ring.